Since our new test hull had already had the head and the blackwater system (vile things, don't use em) removed, we felt it was incumbent on us to build in a new composting head drawing on our experiences of the last four years.
First, of course, we had to build a platform on which it could sit. The Cal hull we're using is. . .well. . .curvy, including the floors. So we inserted a pice of 3/4 birch ply to serve as a base and stained and polyurethaned it.
New platform for the composting toilet. |
We then put in two sides to make the box that will hold the head.
Sigh...nothing ever looks square on a boat |
Here's where the bucket will sit. |
Then we added the lid, including an opening for the bucket top and snap on toilet seat and a deck access hatch beneath which will be our bin of sawdust or stove pellets.
We put stops underneath to keep the lid from sliding. |
The little access hatches (intended mostly for kayaks) work perfectly here. If you need one, has some great prices in their store, and is a wonderful source for boatbuilding ideas and materials. Recommend them highly.
So then Gail got to stain the thing. |
So here's the basic box, awaiting additional stain and varnish and stuff. |
More shortly. We'll finish this thing tomorrow and I'll gie you a full report.
A lot of folks have asked us to put all the blog articles on composting
toilet construction and care and feeding in one place, so we've
consolidated all those pages along with some additional material and
created a little Ebook. The thing is available by the below link on
Amazon for Kindle. It's free if you have Kindle Unlimited, otherwise it
will set you back a massive .$.99. It was the easiest way to put the
thing together and distribute the information, and if you do download,
you'll be giving us grand total of $.35 to help us further the stuff
we're doing here. If you're interested, just click the picture or link
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