Of course, with the mast gone,
Tesla's Revenge no longer has an anchor/all round/steaming light as required by colregs. So, having acquired a new LED all around light from them interwebs, we set about to fabricate one.
The light threads easily through PVC pipe fittings and makes for a durable install. |
Most of the lights we looked at were in the $12 range, and were basic, bayonet base sockets fitted with all-round LED lamps. Note if you install one of these, ventilation on the bottom may be necessary to help prevent the buildup of heat within the housing. make sure if you use caulk or glue that you leave airflow space.
we attached the lamp to a pipe fitting base using 3/4" stainless screws. |
The hardest part of this was attaching the 2" PVC upright to the wheelhouse. I wanted to put stainless washers on the inside to distribute the load, but lining them up was a BEAR.
The final installation. I'm happy. |
Of course then I had to trace back the wiring to figure out which of the multiple bundles of wire running under the settee were part of the mast lights. This vessel has been rewired at least twice, and BOTH times all the wires were simply left in place. Figuring out what goes where involved a volt meter, a screwdriver, some wire cutters, contortionist skills, and a good deal of foul language.
Why did I pick one of the hottest days of the year to do this? Tell me. |
But now we have fully functional running and anchor lights. Yay! Now I just have to figure out why I suddenly have no cabin lights......
Sigh....always somethin.
More shortly.
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