Well, for reasons known only to the ISP, our bandwidth this AM is absurdly slow, so I thought a bit of a text update might be do-able if a lot of photos might now.
We're stalled for the moment on the motor install waiting on a part, but as soon as that shows up we'll be doing tests on the system and taking some short trips and I promise to give you full details.
In the meanwhile, I've had a lot of questions lately, especially on solar and composting toilet systems, so we thought we'd put out a call if there was anything you fine folks wanted to know that we haven't addressed.
So please leave your questions in the comments below and we'll port them into a new Q and A post in a few days. All post will be anonymous, so feel free to ask away.
Looking forward to hearing from you.
New stuff over at Life, Art, Water, btw.
We're stalled for the moment on the motor install waiting on a part, but as soon as that shows up we'll be doing tests on the system and taking some short trips and I promise to give you full details.
In the meanwhile, I've had a lot of questions lately, especially on solar and composting toilet systems, so we thought we'd put out a call if there was anything you fine folks wanted to know that we haven't addressed.
So please leave your questions in the comments below and we'll port them into a new Q and A post in a few days. All post will be anonymous, so feel free to ask away.
Looking forward to hearing from you.
New stuff over at Life, Art, Water, btw.